Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Teenager's Opinion...

...on social hierarchy

Before I voice my opinion, I would first like to say a little disclaimer. This is my opinion, so you might agree with me or disagree. Also, this is written from a girl who never really struggled socially speaking (read: I am not a Queen Bee but I am not a Wallflower). In addition, my school is located in an affluent suburb in Massachusetts. Social Hierarchy will vary in every school, but this is how it is at my school:

Social Hierarchy exists everywhere you go, whether you are referring to society in general, hierarchy in government, or, if you are a teenager like me, hierarchy at high school. Ah, hierarchy in high school- or any school, is something to marvel. At my high school, it's something that you don't really notice, but its there, kind of like a silent fart (hehehe yeah I'm immature).

For my whole life, I was never one to care about my social ranking. When I was in elementary school, I was a full-out tom boy, all my friends were guys, and I was overweight. I was that girl who never was girly, who preferred running around or trading Pokemon cards to friendship bracelets. I knew that some girls thought I was weird, but I just didn't care. I have been told in late Elementary School and Middle School that I was fat, but I did not care even the slightest. I had skin thicker than the Earth. I had, and still have, an insanely flamboyant and outgoing personality, despite that some people think I'm weird. I think that my childhood of being "the odd one out" gave me the confidence I have now. It might sound strange, that being "weird" actually makes me more confident, but it's true. I am probably the realest person you would ever meet. I do not kiss up to people, and I may come off as rude because I am very honest, and the way you treat me will affect how I treat you. I apologize if that sounds mean! So before I talk about my opinion of social hierarchy, I should probably tell you where I stand. From Elementary School to High School, I have been all over the social ladder. During Elementary School I was in the middle, at the start of Middle School I was in the middle, then went lower on the social ladder, and for some reason I can't figure out, the Queen Bees thought I was hilarious and cool so they loved me and I rose to the top. And now, I'm in the middle. Most people, if not all of the people in my grade has heard of me. A good number of people know me, but only a few are my best friends. I think most people like me, but I can be a bit too high energy for some people, and probably not everyone admires my intrepidity. I'm getting a bit off-topic here, but basically I'm trying to establish the foundation of my opinion

So... moving on from my childhood...

I think that social hierarchy is stu-pid. It's absurd and makes no sense at all. Why are certain girls and guys considered "higher" than others? Why are certain people thought as more popular? What is the standard for a "popular" person? What makes someone "cooler" than another? Social Hierarchy is synonymous with popularity. The "popular" girls aren't even popular because no one likes them and all they do is snark on their supposed "friends." I have never understood Social Hierarchy. Being "popular" does not mean that people will actually like you. Being Queen Bee will not help you in school. Come on, what really is the benefit of being popular? It's not like you are an A-list celeb and everyone is just dying to breathe the same oxygen as you. Come on, what's the best thing that's going to happen? Getting invited to a few upperclassmen parties?  On the flip side, being unpopular is not the end of the world. There is nothing wrong with being unpopular, it just means that people are too ignorant to get to know the amazing person you are. Personally, social rankings have never affected my self confidence or self worth. Social Hierarchy is a sorry excuse for certain students to tell others of their "worth." The truth is, everybody is created equally, and everyone is equal. Everybody has their insecurities and everybody has struggles in life, and Social Hierarchy only deepens these insecurities. Maybe because I never struggled with "popularity" or Social Hierarchy, but I don't care about social standings. I simply don't care. I couldn't care less if you are more "popular" than I am, I will not treat you differently. I not kiss your ass. Being more popular than me does not mean you are too good for me. This applies to both girls and boys, girls as in popular girls are "too good" to be my friend, and popular "boys" can't be interested in me. I couldn't care less if you are "less popular" than I, it doesn't mean we can't be friends or I'm "too good" for you. The thing is, at my school, the "popular" ones are the true "losers." That may sound harsh, but it's true. They spend every single day screaming in your face and telling the world how popular they are by doing anything and everything for attention. They literally say to the world, "look at me I'm so popular, everyone loves me." Only a handful of people truly like the "popular ones" however a majority of people don't. You may be wondering, if the "popular ones" are so disliked, then how are they considered "popular"? And I do not know the answer. Quite honestly, social hierarchy is completely irrelevant to my life, and I assume that it is irrelevant to the lives of other high school students. I have a lot to worry about, such as sports, babysitting my brother, keeping my grades up, playing the violin and I have no time to worry about- or care about- my social rank. I have my best friends, which is all that matters. No matter where you stand on the social ladder, as longs as you have your best friends, you are set socially. There is simply no time to think about silly things such as social rank. Although I think Social Hierarchy is inane and ridiculous, it's something that will always be present. I guess that it's a natural phenomenon, something in human nature, that makes us separate into a futile social hierarchy.

Also, I would like to apologize for a lack of posts! Sorry!


  1. You make a few good points there! I've always found that although the 'popular' kids are maybe not as well liked but they ooze something that a lot of people are envious of. They usually have confidence in themselves which makes them stand out especially in an age group where most teens are still trying to figure out who they are!
    Unfortunately the social hierarchy is going to be apart of life for many years to come, and isn't always necessarily a bad thing as it sometimes gives people something to look up to. Certain personality traits maybe? I know I've learned and grown a lot in myself from friends who are, what I'd consider to be higher in the social ladder than I,
    But you seem to have an excellent spirit, and if you keep that you're going to go far and I'm sure people are envious of your personality :)

  2. I'm still searching for the reason that popular people are "popular." I just found your blog today. I've beendoing a bit of blog surffing. Wonderful writing ^-^


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