Sunday, December 15, 2013


December 15, 2013

Stress. Everyone has it. Recently, I have been stressing out more than usual. I know that I am only a mere high school student, but my life can be very stressful and overwhelming at times. Yesterday was pretty stressful for me. I had two morning orchestra rehearsals, followed by two concerts! A student’s life can be very stressful at times. My school teachers are trying to fit more curriculum into class the week before winter break. I have two upcoming tests, two projects due, and a history paper due! It can be difficult to balance school work and sports all while having a social life.

Yes, stress greys your hair, increases your frustration, and leaves you sleep deprived, but stress can be a good thing. “Good” stress can be motivational. For me, I seem to manage my time better and work more efficiently under a bit of stress. A little stress can make you accomplish more than you would think.

Stress is all about managing it. Stress is something that each person handles in a different way. What works for one person may not work for another. Chacun ses goutes, to each their own.
These things work best to lower my stress:

1)   A Short Mental Break- Take a break from life. Do not over work yourself! Go check Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or catch up on one episode of your favorite TV Show! Remember to keep your break short.

2)  A Cup of Tea- Tea is warm, fragrant, and soothes my soul. It helps calm the mind and body. I recommend drinking a cup or two of tea, it might help lower your stress!

3)  Talk it Out- Sometimes, you just need to vent. Tell a friend about what has been stressing you out, and you will definitely feel better. Personally, whenever I talk to my friends, I always feel better and more motivated. They will listen to you, offer suggestions, and comfort you. When you are tearing you hair out from stress, a friend will always help. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winter Lovin'

December 12, 2013

Imagine a cold snowy day. School has been canceled and you have a full day of relaxation. Your house is warm, you are wearing your favorite jammies with a pair of fuzzy socks, and you are enveloped in the softest plush throw. A huge mug of hot chocolate topped with sweet marshmallows is waiting to be drunk. You have a book to read, and laptop to catch up with social media. After the snow has stopped fallen, you walk outside to a winter wonderland. Icicles and snow adorn trees like a pendant of a necklace. The crisp air delivers a healthy pink glow to your nose and ears. The snow blankets everything in sight, and it sweetly caresses the world with a feathery touch. The snow at your feet are screaming at you to turn it into a snowball, for, or snowman. Could life get any better?

In my opinion, winter is the best season. It’s the time for comfy sweaters, enchanting snow, and soul-warming hot chocolate. It’s the season of cuddling up by the fireplace and reading a good book. Also, Christmas is coming soon! To top off this year’s winter, the sequel to one of my favorite movies, Anchorman 2, is coming out this Christmas! Yay!
There are countless thing I love about winter, and I have compiled a list of 5 of my favorite wintry things:

      1. Snowing
Who doesn’t love snow? Snow is so beautiful and unique, it feels very mystical. Shoveling the snow is a hassle, but every other aspect of snow is enjoyable! Many of my family memories have been made in the snow.

  2.  Christmas

Christmas is the happiest time of the year! Everyone is in good holiday cheer! Students and parents both have days off to celebrate! The best part of Christmas is not only the gift giving and receiving, it’s the love of friends and family.

3. No School!

No school and snow days call for a day of playing in the snow, then a long period of warmth and relaxation.

4.    Winter Attire

I love changing my wardrobe for the new season! During the winter, I love wearing all of my large warm sweaters, or layering crewnecks over oxfords. I finally get to take out my heavy winter coats. Currently, I am obsessed with ll Bean duck boots. They are the perfect combination of a rain boot and a snow boot! They are my go-to boot, and are perfect for walking home in winter conditions. Pair them with skinny jeans, a vest, and a button down for a casual yet classy look!

    5.   Hot Chocolate

Mmmmm…this picture looks so delicious! Hot chocolate is my favorite drink for a bitter day! I recommend dark hot chocolate, it is very satisfying and has a very luxurious taste. Yum, this is making me hungry!

Be right back while I indulge in some holiday treats!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thankful for Upperclassmen

December 10, 2013

I know Thanksgiving was weeks ago, but after today, I really really needed to thank the upperclassmen.

Upperclassmen are intimidating. They are tall, older, and so much more experienced. During the past summer, my friends and I always talked about what the upperclassmen were going to be like.
Now that I am finally a freshman, I have had more insight in the upperclassmen. A common stereotype of upperclassmen is that they like to mess around tease the underclassmen. This is wrong in so many ways. SO WRONG. I love the upperclassmen. I actually could not function without them. Honestly, they are so nice and so understanding.

Today at track practice, something that an upperclassmen did made my day. My event is the shot put, and although I am not bad, I need to work on my technique to improve. The Coach always gives me tips and headers, but I always seem to forget to make the corrections. The Coach told one of the older shot putters to help me. She was so nice, kind and understanding. She was a strict instructor, but in a good way. With her guidance I felt like I improved greatly. When I was discouraged, she was always reassuring and supportive. Even though she did not volunteer to help me, she was just so nice, helpful, and informative. Also, the fact that I was the only underclassman who received special coaching from an upperclassmen made me feel special. I am humble, and I don’t want to be boastful, but she told me the reason why was because the coach thinks I have the potential to become a great shot putter. I was so inspired and happy! It made my day!

I am also super thankful for the upperclassmen on my school swim team. They are awesome. For us, our team has morning practices, which means waking up at 4:45 a.m. The amazing seniors organize and drive carpools every morning to and from practice. I am grateful for them to sacrifice their sleep. I am especially grateful for my carpool driver. She was the nicest and funniest swim captain! Plus, her parents are divorced. She always visits her dad in another town, so she always has to wake up extra early certain days just to drive us. I cannot express my immense gratitude to the amazing seniors.

Upperclassmen are great, friendly, and kind. If you are one, stay awesome! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Beginnings and Ends

December 9, 2013

I am really excited about my first post! I am a freshman in high school, and a blog was the perfect way to document my life.

Life is all about beginnings and ends. As a freshman, I am in a period of transition. Middle school came to a close, and now I am in high school. I enjoyed my 3 years in middle school, but eighth grade was really where I found myself. Now, as a ninth grader, my high school life has begun, and it is crazy. I am scrambling here and there, balancing sports and schoolwork, and I get no sleep at all. High school and upperclassmen are not the things to worry about in high school, it is the balance in your life that you should be concerned. For me this means having enough time for winter track, tennis, violin, homework, and SIX clubs!! But as Plato said, “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” I am very ambitious, and I hope that my freshman year will be great.

This blog is a big transition for me. I don’t know exactly how to put this into words, but having a blog makes me feel so much more professional and powerful. I have always loved poetry and creative writing, but recently, I have taken an interest to blogging. Maybe this is the start of my blogging carrier? Writing has always been a passion for me, even if I am not the best writer. I really hope that my posts will help other girls who are going through similar experiences, whether it is about writing or life!

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