Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rethink Plastic!

When you’re out buying groceries, you’re probably just thinking about what to buy, what’s the price, is the organic produce really worth the extra dollar, and when you reach the check-out, you’re probably just worrying if you got all the ingredients for that amazing Chicken Piccata you saw on Food Network. What you’re probably not worrying about are the single use plastic bags that are used to bag your groceries. In fact, not many people pay much attention to the plastic bags that are handed out at major grocery stores and convenience stores. After all, they’re just plain plastic bags! However, these plastic bags are very harmful to the environment, and to you!

Plastic bags are recyclable, which is great! However, the recycling rate for plastic in the U.S is very low, less than 5%. This means that most plastic bags are littered onto our streets, or into the oceans. Plastic bags that are littered into the ocean are often mistaken for food. Marine life will eat the plastic bags, which will cause them to suffocate. Animals such as turtles, whales, fish, sea birds, and sea lions are choked, strangled, and entangled by plastic bags carelessly tossed into our world’s oceans. Some species of animals harmed by plastic bags are already endangered due to overfishing or habitat loss. We share our planet with wildlife, and it is our responsibility to keep our environment, and their environment, safe and clean.

Plastic bags have the potential of directly harming you. When plastic bags are not bio degradable. Thus, when they are littered, they will persist in the environment. Overtime, they will fracture into small particles called micro-plastics. These micro-plastics will bond will highly toxic and pervasive pesticides. These toxic micro-plastics will enter the food chain, for they are eaten by small animals. Eventually, the toxic micro-plastics will make their way up the food chain, to us.  

Banning plastic bags would be hugely beneficial to our town. There will be less plastic bags billowing in the wind and soiling our roads. We only have one world, and we will be helping it become cleaner and greener. There are wonderful alternatives to plastic bags, such as reusable shopper totes, paper bags, and canvas bags. Anyone who shops at Whole Foods already knows what it’s like to be plastic bag-free! Neighboring towns such as Brookline, Cambridge, Falmouth, Marblehead, Falmouth, Nantucket, Newton, and Provincetown have passed the ban. It’s time for us to do the same! 

Sign the online Petition

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