Monday, April 14, 2014

Who you are

Who are you?

This question is probably the most thought provoking question in the world. This question is the epitome of self reflection. These three words have the power of causing an existential crisis and a total questioning of your spirit. In my opinion, this question carries a lot of meaning. You don't answer this question by saying, "Well, I like sports. I do blah blah blah blah, and my hobbies are: this, that..." Who you are is much more than what you are interested in or what you do. Who you are is your basic essence. As an analogy, who you are is the quarks of an atom of an element.

Who am I?

Honestly, I do not know who I am. I recognize my specific characteristics, attributes, and aptitudes, but it is impossible for me to sum up myself in one eloquent paragraph. Sure, I can describe my hobbies and personality, but it is impossible for me, or anyone to describe the very essence of their being.

I think it's okay to not know who you are. I think it's totally normal. No matter what your age, like if you are a 14 year old like me, or a 70 year old, I believe that everyone does not always see their whole self. I might be getting really philosophical here, but finding out who you are is part of the meaning of life.

So whether you are a teen wondering why you are having a hard time identifying yourself, or you are an adult wondering why you have been feeling so lost, don't worry. There is a road to self-discovery, and that road is called life.

The whole "inspiration" for this post occurred to me one day while I was showering. As most people do in the shower, I was contemplating life. I was thinking of the future, past, college, and the meaning of life. Suddenly, I thought, "If someone just asked me now to tell them who I am, what would I say?" For once, my flamboyant self was at a loss for words. I did not know how to describe myself. I came to an "epiphany" that who I am is not something I could just recite to someone, or a college essay that could launch me to the Ivies, but rather something very personal and something that can't be found, but rather discovered.


  1. This is an awesome post, I think it's great fun not knowing who you are exactly, kind of gives you the freedom to be anyone! :D
    Love your blog!

    x leah symonne x

    1. Thanks! I agree, not knowing who you are allows you to go on an adventure to figure yourself out! Love your blog too!

  2. Great post. Really deep and inspirational.

  3. Beautiful post! I really loved this because I often wonder to myself who I am, so it was great to read a post like this.


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