Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Teenager's Opinion...

... on the missing Malaysian Flight 370

As a disclaimer, the opinions expressed are my opinions, and they are opinions. Obviously, people will disagree with me. In addition, I am not exactly the most politically educated person, so I might get some facts wrong, or I might not understand the politics between countries.

OK, I will start this off by saying: Dear Malaysia, you are not a teenager who got drunk for the first time. Get. Your. Sh*t. Together.

My biggest problem with missing Flight 370 is the search for the airplane. Kudos to those who are searching for debris, I realize that it is a nearly impossible task and I am very glad that 25 countries are now looking for the missing flight. But that being said, there are so many people looking for the flight, but who is the leader? Malaysia obviously should be the leader, because after all, it is their plane that went missing, but the Malaysian officials aren't doing very well dealing with the missing flight. Malaysia is so inconsistent. One second they are saying that all the flight passengers are clearing of any criminal suspicion, but another second they are stating that all passengers are under suspicion. Make up your damn mind!  Say if something groundbreaking was discovered during the search, then who would get the right to examine it. Would it be Malaysia? Or China? Or Australia? Or the country who first discovered it? There is such a lack of leadership. I'm not a very avid news-reader so I don't know why there is a lack of leadership or if one country has in fact taken control of this whole search.

Something that infuriates me is Malaysia's interactions with the affected families. As an Asian-American, this is more personal because the majority of the passengers (153 people) were Chinese, and there was an American couple on board. The flight is missing, and nothing has been discovered, but at least give the families answers or bad news! The families with loved ones on the flight want closure, so at least tell them that it is unlikely that anyone aboard the plane survived, or tell them that with the evidence that they have, everyone on board died. It's depressing news, but at least it offers some closure.

Also, I've been wondering, do the families of the missing flight passengers get compensation? I know that that's a terrible and materialistic/money-centric thing to think, because nothing can, and ever will replace a lost loved one. But honestly, do the families receive any compensation? At the very least, the families deserve answers.

I have also wondered what if they never find debris? What it the plane vanished without a trace? What then? What could explain something like this? Most importantly, why did the plane vanish?

As a side note, I have a huge respect for CNN. To me, its mind boggling how they can broadcast hours of coverage for the missing Flight 370 even though there are no new break throughs. How do they spend hours covering the same content without being uber repititional???


  1. When you resort to showing high emotion while explaining/questioning something that someone else is doing, it takes away from your writing strength. Using even mild profanity takes away the effectiveness of your ability to use proper linguistics. That's just a tip. Believe me, if you have never searched for something in the salt (or even fresh)
    waters of the world, you cannot imagine the many factors involved. The fact that so many countries speaks well for every country involved. Who has the right to examine the b
    Black Box, the bodies, the baggage, the electronic and mechanical components of the aircraft? If the aircraft went down due to terrorist activities, then the inspection should be a multi-country effort, since there were several nationalities aboard. Good luck with your writing career. Remember, however, to let your characters show the emotion, and if it fits, slightly tainted descriptive terms. YOU are above that sort of slang. B.J.

    1. Thank you very much for the tips. I am very much a new writer, and I still have yet to learn how to make my writing more powerful.


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