Wow, time flies by quickly. I still remember the summer of 8th grade, when I was worrying about freshman year, and the suspenseful first day of high school. There are many things you watch on TV, see on the internet, or hear from older siblings about freshman year. There are so many misconceptions about freshman year that I thought I should clear up a bit.
Misconception #1- Freshmen are teased
This is probably the biggest misconception and the most inaccurate. Nobody will make fun of you because you are a freshman.Misconception #2- Upperclassmen are mean
This is incorrect in every way possible. If you have read my article about upperclassmen, then you already know how much I love them! They are extremely helpful and provide guidance, and I recommend befriending seniors. They are amazing sources of advice.Misconception #3- Football games and pep rallies are major social events
Hah, no. They are not major social events. Emphasis on major. Yes, many people attend varsity football games,however most of the audience are family members of the players and the cheerleaders. Varsity football gets a lot of attention, so if you are going to attend a game, attend the varsity game. For me, I hate pep rallies. At my school, they are loud, obnoxious, unentertaining (is that even a word?), and pointless. Totally not worth attending. However, every freshman should attend a pep rally and a football game, because of the new experience. Do not go to these events expecting to socialize.Misconception #4- Don't worry about grades, this year will be a breeze
I know I am still in the middle of freshman year, however I can assure you that freshman year is by no means easy. Definitely study and invest in this year. High school counts. In middle school, it was all fun and games, however your high school grades count towards college. Personally, I wish I was doing better in Biology and Advanced Geometry. You should keep your grades high, but don't be a grade cruncher! Be warned: you will get an excessive amount of homework.
Misconception #5- Boyfriends/Girlfriends
A boyfriend or girlfriend should be the last thing on your mind as a freshman. A relationship is not a priority and long lasting ones in freshman year are unrealistic, so do not waste the year pursuing a guy/girl you like. I'm not saying that freshmen don't or shouldn't date, its just that relationships should not be something to worry about or prioritize.Misconception #6- You'll have one group of friends that do everything together
This is not Mean Girls, you and your friends don't do everything together. By freshman year, you probably have figured out your friend group. If not, you will. Your friend group are usually your best friends, people you trust and love. Although you have a group of best friends, that does not mean you guys will do everything together. There are so many students at high school, which means opportunities to make more friends. In addition, you will also become close friends with your classmates. Do not worry if you feel as if you or and a best friend haven't been spending a lot of time together, but make sure that you do have some quality time together eventually. You and your best friends aren't identical, so don't expect them to do everything you do and vise versa.
Misconception #7- Parties
Don't expect to receive any party invitations anytime soon, it's usually the upperclassmen who party. Freshmen don't, and typically aren't invited. Freshmen also don't host parties either. Parties are an upperclassmen thing. However, some freshmen do party, but its usually those type of students. I personally would like to experience one, but not consistently party every weekend.
I wrote this post from my personal perspective. Feel free to tell me about your freshman year!
Those were the only misconceptions that I could think of. Was freshman year a struggle for you? Comment below!
P.S - Sorry I haven't been posting as frequently, homework has been overwhelming!
I'm in the same position you are, and my I say: this post is extremely accurate.