Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rethink Plastic!

When you’re out buying groceries, you’re probably just thinking about what to buy, what’s the price, is the organic produce really worth the extra dollar, and when you reach the check-out, you’re probably just worrying if you got all the ingredients for that amazing Chicken Piccata you saw on Food Network. What you’re probably not worrying about are the single use plastic bags that are used to bag your groceries. In fact, not many people pay much attention to the plastic bags that are handed out at major grocery stores and convenience stores. After all, they’re just plain plastic bags! However, these plastic bags are very harmful to the environment, and to you!

Plastic bags are recyclable, which is great! However, the recycling rate for plastic in the U.S is very low, less than 5%. This means that most plastic bags are littered onto our streets, or into the oceans. Plastic bags that are littered into the ocean are often mistaken for food. Marine life will eat the plastic bags, which will cause them to suffocate. Animals such as turtles, whales, fish, sea birds, and sea lions are choked, strangled, and entangled by plastic bags carelessly tossed into our world’s oceans. Some species of animals harmed by plastic bags are already endangered due to overfishing or habitat loss. We share our planet with wildlife, and it is our responsibility to keep our environment, and their environment, safe and clean.

Plastic bags have the potential of directly harming you. When plastic bags are not bio degradable. Thus, when they are littered, they will persist in the environment. Overtime, they will fracture into small particles called micro-plastics. These micro-plastics will bond will highly toxic and pervasive pesticides. These toxic micro-plastics will enter the food chain, for they are eaten by small animals. Eventually, the toxic micro-plastics will make their way up the food chain, to us.  

Banning plastic bags would be hugely beneficial to our town. There will be less plastic bags billowing in the wind and soiling our roads. We only have one world, and we will be helping it become cleaner and greener. There are wonderful alternatives to plastic bags, such as reusable shopper totes, paper bags, and canvas bags. Anyone who shops at Whole Foods already knows what it’s like to be plastic bag-free! Neighboring towns such as Brookline, Cambridge, Falmouth, Marblehead, Falmouth, Nantucket, Newton, and Provincetown have passed the ban. It’s time for us to do the same! 

Sign the online Petition

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Book Review: The Lost Symbol

Ever since I read The DaVinci Code over the summer, I have been obsessed with Dan Brown. His novels are fast-paced and exhilarating. All the secret societies and ancient texts are super interesting, and his books are just so captivating. I managed to read the Lost Symbol in one day. That's how I can tell if a book is good or not.

In the The Lost Symbol, good ol' Harvard professor Robert Langdon finds himself in another precarious situation. This time, in Washington, D.C. His good friend, who is also a multi-billionaire and a high ranking Freemason Peter Solomon has been kidnapped, and his captor will only release him if Robert finds a portal. Robert's knowledge is once again put to the test and he must dive into the secret society and history of the Freemason society. Read the book to know the details!

I absolutely love Dan Brown. His novels are very unique. The things he says in his novels always makes me wonder if they are real or not. For example, are his descriptions of Freemason initiation rituals fact or fiction? I don't know, but I love how conspiratorial and secretive aspects of his novels. I enjoyed the Lost Symbol just as much as the DaVinci Code. The only bad thing I have to say is that I thought that Warren Bellamy wasn't developed enough, even though he is the Architect, he kind of feels like a random character, the reader doesn't have enough information on him to form an opinion.

If you haven't read Dan Brown, I highly recommend him. You'll be hooked

Avengers Age of Ultron Poster Revealed


I'm so excited for the movie release on May 1! Who else is a Marvel fan? :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

What Being Rejected From All State Orchestra Taught Me

I am a violinist. I've been playing violin for 9 years, and it's an integral part of my life. In high school, people who take band, orchestra, or chorus are able to audition for Senior Districts, a three day music festival that joins the best musicians from each District. Many people audition, and less than half of the people get in. I auditioned, and miraculously made it in. This was a surprise to me because I didn't make it in the previous year; my freshman year. Not only did I make in into Senior District Orchestra, my score was so high that I qualified for an All Sate Audition. Now, All State makes getting accepted into Senior Districts look like a piece of cake. Baby, this is All States, the most elite musicians from the whole state, the best of the best. This is like the state championships for sports. I was so pumped that I was able to audition, and I did. Unfortunately, I did not make it in, and I expected this, for I most definitely am not an elite elite violinist. Obviously, one faces many failures and successes in life, and not making All States was pretty disappointing. But life is all about getting up when you fall, and getting cut taught me a few things:

1. I'm Not That Good
I know what you're thinking. "Wow, this person is negative about not making it." But this was the first thing that ran through my mind when I found out that I did not make it into All States. And the reason why I didn't make is was because I just wasn't good enough. There's always someone who can play more musically, more in tune, more in rhythm, and more... better. While some may see this as a negative thing to think about, I see this as motivation. There are people who play better than me, so I need to practice harder so I can play better and surpass them. Through increase in practice, I will work so much harder so that next year, I will make it in. 

2. There Are Always Ups and Downs
When I found out I made Senior Districts, I was beyond ecstatic. I was 20 points above the cutoff score, and I sat first violin eighth seat. The moment I discovered all of this, I was overjoyed. It was the best moment of my life. The hours of practicing finally payed off. When I received the All State Results, I was very disappointed. Despite all my practicing, and all the hours I spent listening to the audition piece on replay, I didn't make the cut. I scored 100 points, and the cut off score was 110. I was 10 points off, a whole 10 points. My happiness plummeted. From my great success to my great failure, I learned that there will always be ups and downs. 

3. I Love Violin
The past year, my violin and I were in a complicated relationship. Last year, I was very neglected my violin. I was lazy, and I didn't practice nearly as much as I should have. Also, last year I switched to a new private teacher who was very strict and demanding. Due to my lack of practicing, I did not meet her demands. She refused to teach me. That hit me hard. It was a difficult period of time. My violin teacher abandoned me, and my parents were furious, for they were spending hundreds of dollars paying for lessons, but I didn't practice and now my teacher refuses to teach me. After all that fiasco, I currently have a new private teacher whose teaching style is much more suitable for me. My current teacher helped me score high at districts. These events of the past year has really taught me that I love violin. I realized how dedicated I really was, and hitting rock bottom when my teacher left me really opened my eyes. I love violin, and I will practice as hard as I can for as long as I can to improve.

If you play in instrument in your high school band or orchestras, I highly recommend auditioning for the District Festivals. They're really fun, and hey, you might spot some attractive musicians ;)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Am I Crazy?

Hahaha I've been AWOL for so long. Between school, sports, and extracurriculars, I've been too lazy to update my blog. Nevertheless, I am back with a new post!

I don't know, but there's something a little crazy about me. I am a total night owl, I love working at night. To tell the truth, I don't start my homework until night, like around 8 or 9 p.m. This may be interpreted as procrastinating or "setting off" work, but I do this because I like it, and I can't explain why. There's something about the stress of having to finish homework but having little time that makes me more efficient. It sounds weird, but I like to put pressure on myself, and I like that desire to complete work on a limited schedule. 

Anyone else also feel this way?

P.S- My apologies for this not-so-amazing post after my hiatus 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dear Freshmen,

Dear Freshmen,
      Hello, and welcome to high school! I'm sure you are very excited for the next four years of your life! Since you are a freshman, you are new to this whole high school thing. Let me tell you a little something. High school is not as glamorous as people say. No, it's not like High School Musical. No, it's not intimidating. No, there are not a lot of parties. High school is the exact same thing as middle school, only with a heavier work load. Also, please do not use your lockers 24/7. Not only are you blocking up the hallways, but in high school barely anyone uses their locker. If you go into freshman year expecting romance, drama, and parties, you are in for a huge disappointment. Take freshman seriously, after all, colleges are able to see your grade, and it's probably the easiest year of high school. If it's one thing you must develop over the year, it's your time management skills. If you are involved with many clubs, do sports, and are in honors level courses, manage your time well. Get involved with school sports and clubs to make upperclassmen friends. Be sociable. Don't worry about getting lost at school, after a week you will be all set with all your classes. As a side note, don't be afraid to ask upperclassmen for directions, it is a common misconception that upperclassmen are mean. If its one thing you should not do, it's to act cocky If you are a douchebag/asshole/super cocky, you will not be welcomed by the upperclassmen. It's a senior boys thing to act all "big" and cocky. Be humble and modest. Chances are, you will have some drama with your friend group. Maybe your friend group stops hanging out with you. Whatever the problem, remember that a lot of people are going through the same thing. Honestly, this is your first year at high school. Make it great. Be heard. Be seen. Make a name out of yourself, build a reputation. Just be yourself and have fun.

Science Without Ethics

I am a huge fan of James Patterson, his Maximum Ride series were my favorite. For those who are familiar with those books, then you already know that Maximum and her friends are human/avian recombinants. For those who don't know, the protagonists of the books are humans that have been tested on, manipulated, and transformed so that they appear to be human beings, but they have wings. I love this kind of science fiction stuff that involves humans being genetically modified so that they have some special feature.

Well anyways...

A while ago I was discussing my love for the Maximum Ride books with by biology teacher, and I briefly described the recombinants to her. Me being me, I asked her if it would ever be possible to create human/avian recombinants. Obviously, she said no

But her last phrase, "Testing on humans is unethical." caught my attention. If we were to perform experiments and continue science without ethics, what would happen?

What things would we be able to invent? What would we create? Would we be able to create humanoid war machines like Captain America, or will we end up with zombies? It's very interesting to wonder what we would be able to do if we experimented on humans. Would we create a whole new race of humans who are genetically enhanced? I probably sound very creepy and psychotic, but I think it would be awesome if scientists were able to genetically modify humans so that we have wings (or something of that sort)!

Although I am curious about science and sci-fi recombinants, I do not endorse testing on humans. Imagine a world where it was legal to clone humans.. I would not want to live in that world. And what if we were able to genetically enhance humans but they turn on us?

Also, I though it was interesting that people in general believe that it is unethical to test on humans, but yet it is common practice to test on animals. There are a lot of companies who don't test on animals anymore, kudos to you, but I find it amusing that we humans value our lives over animals. Truthfully, we are animals too, and if you want to argue that animals don't have feelings like we do, animals die too, they experience pain, loss, and animals also have their families. Many Americans own pets who they consider as family members,  and I'm sure pet owners would not want scientists to test on their pets. Although I believe that it is unethical to test on animals, I believe it is necessary if the testing is conducted for medical research.

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